Air quality
Experts on improving the quality of the interior air of your home or business
In TU ALMACEN DEL CLIMA you will find all kinds of indoor ventilation equipment so necessary in our homes and businesses. Currently, with the standards currently in existence by the Technical Code of Building (CTE) in the construction of housing, in addition to the requirements of regulations RITE, the great need and obligation to renew the interior air of all types of single homes, multifamily homes, commercial premises, residences, hotels, restaurants, industries are reflected... the best ventilation and air renewal system to the needs of each of the rooms to be accommodated. What type of treatment and/or ventilation equipment to install? There is no single ventilation system that is suitable for all installations, but the best of the systems is undoubtedly the installation of heat recoverers for air renewal, system. The renovation of the air inside the buildings is essential to keep the environment comfortable and healthy. It is necessary to promote clean air from the outside and to extract or renew the air of the interior to achieve an adequate air quality in all areas where there are people performing some activity, in addition to allowing to minimize the energy losses associated with ventilation. Therefore, we accompany you to find the best solution for your home or business, helping you to choose the system, calculate the system and ventilation equipment, offering you the best price with the best performances of the most prestigious brands in the market, whether it be Daikin, Mitsubishi Electric, Panasonic, LG, Zehnder, S&P, Siber, Sodeca. among many others of our trust with the best guarantee and after sales. Tualmacendelclima will advise you at all times in the purchase of ventilation equipment, dehumidification and air renewal you need. Don't hesitate, our Air Conditioning experience guarantees us, the online purchase of the best air conditioning equipment for your home or business!!!